Blue Tunes with Marjan Farsad


Khooneye Ma-a song by  Marjan Farsad 

The song has a peaceful and slow vibe to it almost like a lullaby I'd like to fall asleep to. I personally prefer sad songs and their mellow tunes which this song had. Her voice was immensely soft and I really liked the  pronunciations. Although the song was sung in Persian I was able to make out the fact that it was maybe about her past memories and the message was pretty clear. The illustrations added to the meaning of the song and helped one understand her and her message better. The song also has a sad melancholy tune in it and you can even hear it in her voice, thus the person listening can actually sense her pain to an extent.

But one thing was that I wasn’t able to exactly interpret the meaning of the song…was it a dream? Was it her past childhood house that she misses? Maybe it was meant to be a mystery maybe she wanted it this way. In all the song although has a really peaceful setting, is too slow that could even put one to sleep.

overall the song is beautifully composed and  a great piece of work i'd actually listen to and even add to my playlist!
